Monster story for kids free + audio story

monster story for kids

Here’s an exciting monster story for kids, to read. Children enjoy stories about monsters very much, but they must be fun-filled stories that help them conquer their fear and to understand that these are characters that only live in the world of fantasy and imagination.

If you prefer, this monster story for kids is told by us. If you wish to read it yourself, you can find the text below. This is a free educational initiative, offered by Mumablue, the personalized books brand.

Audio story “The little monster that lived inside the closet”

Music Public Domain: Fairy Dance, by Rafael Krux; CC 3.0 Dark Hallway and Funkerrific, by Kevin MacLeod

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“The little monster that lived inside the closet” is a fun-filled, short story to read in three minutes. We think you might like to create some atmosphere and read it to them over some music. You can use this piece:

Monster story for kids to read: The little monster that lived inside the closet

The little monster that lived inside the closet couldn’t sleep. He was scared. He thought there was a child living outside the closet!

At night, when the little monster that lived inside the closet went to bed, he heard noises outside. Sometimes, little cries. Other times, a voice calling mom.


Often, tapping. Or snoring.

“Mom, I’m scared”, said the little monster that lived inside the closet every time he crawled into bed at night.

“What nonsense, no child lives outside the closet”, replied his mom, and open the closet door wide to show him a dark and silent room.

One night, the little monster that lived inside the closet gathered all the courage he could and slowly opened the door. Just a crack. And peeked into the room. He saw nothing. He heard nothing. He opened a little wider and stuck his head out. Everything seemed calm.

Slowly, he stepped out of the closet. Tiptoeing, so as not to make any noise, he crossed the room and walked over to the bed. Under the sheets was a lump. A lump that was…
The boy who lived outside the closet!

Suddenly, the child woke up. The little monster who lived inside the closet and the boy who lived outside the closet stood face to face, for a moment in silence, staring at each other with eyes wide as saucers.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”, shouted the monster.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”, shouted the boy.

The little monster that lived inside the closet ran to hide inside the closet.
The little boy who lived outside the closet ran in search of his parents.

“Mommy, mommy!”, called the monster that lived inside the closet, “Quick, come! There’s a child outside the closet!”

Mom Monster, alarmed, peered into a dark, deserted room.

“What nonsense! No child lives outside the closet. Go to sleep!”, said his mom. And she closed the door.

At that very moment, the boy who lived outside the closet appeared with his father.

“Daddy, daddy!”, exclaimed the boy, “There’s a monster inside the closet!”

“What nonsense! There’s no monster living inside the closet. Look”, said his dad, and he opened the door.

Hearing the door handle, the little monster living inside the closet hid in the sock drawer. Terrified, he closed his eyes and squeezed them tightly shut so that the boy who lived outside the closet could not see him.

Official Release for this monster story for kids


This is a statement for all children who believe that a monster lives inside their closet. We have to remember that very few cases have been reported in the world of monsters living inside closets. If there is a monster living inside a closet, it is more afraid of the child than the child is of the monster.

Discover more free audio stories

This monster story for kids is just one example of all the ones we have to offer, for free. A ghost who inherits a castle and doesn’t know how to scare, a zombie who gets up from the coffin with a very bad face and goes to the beauty center, the wolf of the stories who decides to change jobs, or a theatricalized Halloween special, to represent in family. You can find them all on our page of children’s stories to read, in the “Funny scary stories” section. Take a look!

We hope your youngster liked this monster story for kids. With it, we wanted to make a change in perspective, so that children realize that they have nothing to fear: no monster lives under their bed or inside their closet. And even if it did, they would have no reason to be afraid of it.